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Charlie Fantechi


49 Lessons to learn Negotiating, Winning, Convincing
Italian version

- 3 audio CDs that contain 49 lessons, examples and exercises for a total of 3 hours directly from the voice of Charlie Fantechi.
- The 160 pages detailed handbook, a faithful transcription of the course to allow you to review several times the techniques, the examples and the exercises..

THE POWER OF CONVERSATIONAL HYPNOSIS is the first course of conversational hypnosis which will help you make your communication really hypnotic.

The way the 49 lessons are structured allows you to easily learn the techniques of conversational hypnosis. Each lesson contains an exercise that you can perform to follow your progress through the simple application of the practices presented in the CDs.

You can also hear some example on how to use the techniques of conversational hypnosis directly from the voice of Charlie Fantechi.

Buy the Box "Il Potere dell'Ipnosi Conversazionale" on Dialogika


Charlie Fantechi


The hypnotic speeches of people who changed the world
Italian version

"In his new book Parola di Leader Charlie Fantechi makes a brilliant and timely analysis of how some of history's most well-known political leaders have used the power of language to influence and direct world events. As Sigmund Freud pointed out, 'Words and magic were in the beginning one and the same thing, and even today words retain much of their magical power'.

Charlie Fantechi provides many significant insights into the structure of the magic of language and the power of words to touch and inspire people, and also at times to manipulate and confuse them.

Clearly illustrated with compelling quotations from key speeches, this book is an valuable resource for leaders, public speakers and professional communicators of all types and will be fascinating reading for anyone who wishes to gain a deeper appreciation of the role that language plays in shaping our thoughts and actions."

— Robert Dilts, NLP developer and author of Sleight of Mouth, Visionary Leadership Skills, Alpha Leadership and Effective Presentation Skills

Buy the book "Parola di Leader" on Dialogika


Charlie Fantechi


Two hours of content, practice and fun, everything about the communication techniques of GREAT LEADERS!
Italian version

Buy the DVD "Ma Obama ha usato l'Ipnosi?" on Dialogika


Charlie Fantechi


8 CDs of Hypnotic Inductions , by Charlie Fantechi
Italian version

CD 1: Fissa gli obiettivi
CD 2: Migliora l'autostima
CD 3: Supera la tristezza
CD 4: Gestisci il dolore
CD 5: Calma la tua mente
CD 6: Difenditi dalle malattie
CD 7: Dormi tranquillamente
CD 8: Cancella il mal di testa

The series consists of 8 CDs you can buy as a set or separately.

Buy the CD of the "Ipnosi" series on Dialogika


Charlie Fantechi
, Bill O'Hanlon
Practical guide to change in therapy and everyday life
(presentation by Giorgio Nardone)
Italian version

Buy the book "Dire Fare Cambiare" on Dialogika